Sunday, November 15, 2009


November 15th, 2009: The Christmas tree is being put up. Here is a typical St.Aubin Family "putting up the tree" tradition:
1. Sam puts on Elf Soundtrack and dad complains that one song on there isn't really a Christmas song.
2. Mom tells boys to go into the basement and bring up the heavy tree and ornaments...two hours later, mom tells the boys to go into the basement and bring up the heavy tree and ornaments...
3. Everyone is sprawled out on the couch with a blanket while mom straightens out all the branches on the trees while she asks if there are any holes on a 3 minute basis.
4. Dad asks when we are eating dessert.
5. Time for ornaments. Always the first is the ornament my Grandma Trudy made. It's a golden ball made to look like a puppy. Each ornament is strategically debated on whether it should be placed in the front or the back. This one always gets placed in the back. (I secretly move it to the front throughout the season)
6. Dad wants to turn on Ongbak during our Christmas celebration.. ok...
7. There is not one place to look where there is not a snowmen within view.
8. My dad asks what is left to do when the only thing he has done the whole night is push some buttons on a remote.
9. Trevor stands on a chair and dances to Santa Baby while putting the bow on top of the tree.
10. Fireplace goes on even though its fifty degrees outside. Gotta get in the Christmas spirit!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, this made me laugh. It reminds me of my family's Christmas tree tradition!
